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TOP Tips for Amazing Business Networking

If Networking isn’t something you have tried yet, then the idea can seem quite daunting. That was one of my first thoughts when I joined the Business Development Team here at Colewood Digital. 

There are many things I wished I had known before my first networking event. So, I thought I would share with you my top 5 tips for networking that have helped me along the way.

  1. Try different types of events: If you are new to the networking scene, the only way to find out what events work for you is to try various events to see which ones will be beneficial for you and your business. 
  1. Have a strategy: Go into each event with a clear goal whether that be brand awareness, gaining new contacts or generating referrals. Having a plan will help you get the most out of each event.
  1. Step out of your comfort zone: It’s natural to gravitate towards people that you already know, but networking is all about meeting people outside your circle in order to build connections. Scan the room for people you have yet to meet and offer the opportunity for them to join in the conversation. 
  1. Dress to impress: Looking and feeling good is vital for your networking confidence. Ensure that you’re dressed in appropriate, clean attire for your line of business. 
  1. Follow up: It’s not just what happens at the event, it’s what you do after that is most important. Ensure that you are proactive in follow-ups. Social media is a great way to connect with people you have met,  LinkedIn is the most popular platform for this and can act as your virtual business card.

Other mini tips include: 

  • Shake hands with people and make eye contact
  • Smile and ensure your body language is open and friendly
  • Be memorable for the right reasons

I’m fortunate enough to work for a company that has an ongoing membership with the North East England Chamber of Commerce. Meaning we have access to a variety of different networking events both locally and nationwide. If anyone is considering a membership, I would highly recommend it. 

Since joining the Business Development team in May 2022 I have attended a variety of local and exchange events where I have met a lot of new connections, built my network and the brand awareness of Colewood and even met clients that we now work with. I’ve included some of my favourite events that I’ve attended so far.

Redworth Hall, Chamber exchange: Myself and Head of Business Development, Stephen, exhibited and then participated in round table networking which was my first Networking event:

Myself and Katie, our Digital Marketing Executive, attended a Chamber local hosted by one of our clients My Marketing Button:

One of my favourite events to date, we were invited to attend the Inspiring Females Conference at Ramside Hall. The day was filled with women sharing their truly inspiring stories paired with delicious food and networking with amazing women. 

(Left to right,  Lesley, Senior Business Development Executive, Katie Digital Marketing Executive, Helen, Managing Director, and Olivia Business Development Executive) 

Festive Drinks on the last Chamber local of 2022 at Waterside Brasserie, Middlesbrough College. What a way to end the year, amazing food prepared by the Middlesbrough College students, new connections and a chance to set things in motion for the new year. 

Kickstarting 2023 myself and Lesley attended our first Chamber exchange of the New Year which gave us a chance to make new connections, and clients and also catch up with familiar faces. 

Moving onto plans for this year there are plenty more networking events lined up as well as preparing for our very own Chamber local here at Colewood Digital. With recent renovations being completed at the end of 2022, we thought there was no better time to invite members of the Chamber to our HQ.

Reserve your FREE ticket for the Chamber Local South hosted at Colewood Digital.

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