Our Long standing skincare client, Lyonsleaf have trusted Colewood to manage and maintain their Google ads account to ensure the best performance possible.

Lyonsleaf had a clear goal of gaining as many conversions as possible with their set budget. With the introduction of Performance max we were we able to achieve this goal to the best of our ability.

Our Approach

With the introduction of Performance max to Google ads we discovered we could maximise the exposure of Lyonsleafs products using the features provided. As the previous standard shopping campaign was not meeting its daily budget spend on a regular basis this had the negative effect of not gaining as many conversions as the client would have liked.

Therefore we put a strategy in place to utilise performance max in which we set up a campaign and split it by best selling products which were the top 5 and then another asset group containing the rest. Within the best sellers asset group we populated all assets to ensure maximum exposure across all channels and we created audience signals to target these specific products via product names users would search online as well as competitor websites where similar/alternative products were shown.

A similar approach was carried out for the asset group containing the remaining products except this asset group was set up to advertise via shopping only as we believed that giving the best sellers the most exposure would ensure the most conversions.

The Results

After 12 Months

Managed Spend


Conversion Rate




Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)


Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)




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