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How Can Digital PR Help Improve a Brand’s Presence?

Public Relations has been around for a long time but it is still clear that many businesses don’t quite know how to utilise it to its fullest potential. Digital PR is a curated strategy used to increase brand awareness by using multiple online methods. 

Traditional PR has taken precedence over much else in the past, but over the last few years, Digital PR has had the ability to reach a much wider audience than traditional PR ever could. 

Where traditional PR is reliant on an audience consuming physical media in any given situation, Digital PR can instantly reach an online audience from around the globe in seconds. To make the most impact for your business, your Digital PR can work well alongside other internet-based strategies such as SEO, influencer marketing and social media. 

By utilising a Digital PR strategy for your business, static information can immediately be transformed into conversations by way of a company’s ability to speak directly to its target audience at just about any time of day or night. 

All of this information then assists in the spread of your business news and brand messages. Increasing visibility and brand awareness almost immediately. 

So what does Digital PR involve? 

The possibilities of online promotion for your business is almost endless when it comes to how to create a PR strategy. Looking beyond any print opportunities and directly interacting with your online audiences instead can lead to a whole host of success. 

There are certain tactics Digital PR specialists will generally use to portray a brand message. This includes but is not limited to: 

  • Preparing online press releases.
  • Building relationships with journalists, bloggers and publications.
  • Business profiling.
  • Organising online reviews and interviews.
  • Optimising any pre-existing press releases with relevant links back to the brand’s website.
  • The link will benefit the business by improving its backlink profile if acquiring links from high-authority domains.
  • Influencer marketing and blogger outreach to obtain mentions and links from users with an already large audience to increase reach and brand awareness. (This can vary from a video to an Instagram story, to a blog.)
  • Publishing online articles and content to gain a wider reputation and high-quality backlinks.

What is the main goal of Digital PR?

Similar to traditional PR, Digital PR has the same goal. Improve a client’s reputation, spread brand message and increase visibility among target audiences. Building a strong digital brand amongst a sea of competitors can be challenging, but there are a variety of methods within a PR strategy that can be utilised in order to stay competitive. 

A well-defined brand has to be created in order to stand out from the competitors and be visible in online avenues that the target markets are using to find solutions to their queries.

So how can Digital PR really benefit your business?

There are many benefits to utilising Digital PR for your business. This includes but is not necessarily limited to: 

  • Improve your website’s SEO – When content is published on a high authority site, your SEO ranking is likely to improve and will improve your targeted keywords. As these rankings improve, the traffic to your site will also increase.
  • Boost website traffic – As your brand is mentioned in more places, more people are likely to find it, and therefore click on your website and have a look around.
  • Generate leads and sales – Your brand is mentioned far more regularly when Digital PR is utilised, and therefore your brand’s name is in front of an interested target audience, which then generates leads from the people visiting your website and therefore leads to more sales.
  • Increase trust and improve brand image – Your target audience will begin to hear more and more good things about your business and more reviews that help build trust and loyalty with your customer base.

If you want to find out how Digital PR and Outreach can help your business, get in contact with our experts at Colewood Digital today.

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